Friday 27 January 2017

Final Contents Page

Before & After


Making of Contents Page

Creating the background: using the gradient tool and cutting around the image to perfectly fit in the corner

Getting the main title by cutting it in half to fit into the corner
Creating a transparent "R" sign to replicate the VIBE "V" sign

Contents Page Final

Before & After


Making of the Contents Page

Making the background: Used by the smudging tool

Photoshopping the Face

Removing the highlight ^
This was done by using the blur and paint brush tool with a small percentage of opacity (30%) to ensure it looks realistic

Sunday 15 January 2017

Photography Timetable


Masthead Ideas

Questionnaire Results

Questionnaire Results

From my questionnaire, I have conducted the results and I now know what to include in my magazine in order for it to sell successfully.

My first question was “what gender are you?”  5/10 or 50% said they were boys, the rest was girls. This shows I’m targeting both males and females therefore I must not make it too girly or muscular.

My second question was “how old are you? 10/10 or 100% said they are in the age group of 15-19. This gives me an idea on how I will lay out my magazine and make it attract a young age group. This is done by researching latest trends within that generation.

My third question was “what is your preferred music genre?” 6/10 or 60% said Hip-hop and the other 40% preferred Rap. Knowing this, I must include the hip-hop celebrities and base my magazine on that genre. I must also include aspects of Rap as 40% of my customers like Rap; therefore I must meet their needs as well.

My fifth question asked “what would you like to see in a music magazine?” 6/10 or 60% said Latest Fashion, 2/10 or 20% said Celebrity Rumours and 2/10 20% said Concerts and Gigs. There is a variety of features I must include in my music magazine but majority was latest fashion, this may be due to 50% of my audience being female.

My sixth question was “what price range do you think is suitable to spend on a magazine? 10/10 or 100% said £1-4. This is because my audience are 15-19 therefore they are young and may be unemployed. Therefore I must make my magazine cheap by having a budget and having an online alternative to save money on printed copies.